Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Sweetness

So, it's been a while, but I am finishing up the wedding bliss and I will soon be posting all of my crafts from the wedding... and telling you about how much fun I had!  But, in the mean time, I made a few little cards for Thanksgiving...
My Turkey Card for my Husband... I love it! 

My Thanksgiving Card for my Parents (both sets!)

The inside... Love Us!

It was also my Husband's Birthday on Thanksgiving!  YES!  So here is his card... kinda simple, but I love it!

Oh how I love him so...
And the inside, using coffee ground paper... Then I wrote my secret message, but you can't see that :)
Well, here is a start to my blogging again, you might get over-blogged by next week, as I have a ton of cards to post.  Have a fantastic week everyone...

Bella had an awesome Thanksgiving too... she even kept her bow on all day.  My poor children are going to be covered in ribbons and buttons.
Love, Britt